Single-Phase Conventional Overhead Transformer

Howard Industries manufactures a complete line of transformers, all designed with increased margins of safety and reliability. Contact your distributor or factory representative for availability of other kVA sizes, voltage ratings, features, accessories and design standards not listed.

Talk to us about filling a custom order that best fits your needs.


KVA Ratings (65° Rise): 0.5, 1, 1.5, 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 37.5, 50, 75, 100, 167, 250, 333, 500, 833
High-Voltage Ratings: 2400/4160Y or 4160GrdY/2400
19920/34500GrdY or 34500GrdY/19920 (60 kV through 250 kV BIL)
Low-Voltage Ratings: 120, 120/240, 240/480 or 277 (30 kV BIL)
Meets or exceeds current IEEE, NEMA RUS, and DOE standards as applicable
Shell-type core design
Wet-process porcelain high-voltage bushings (Oil-filled at 125 kV BIL and above for reduced radio interference)
Molded polymer or wet-process porcelain low-voltage bushings
Tin-plated bronze terminals suitable for connection to copper or aluminum
Low-voltage grounding provision
Low-voltage ground strap (1-bushing units only)
Permanently stamped identification on internal secondary leads for ease of paralleling
Visible cover ground connected to upper mounting bracket
Tank grounding provisions
Tank ground connector (1-bushing units only)
Automatic pressure relief valve for added safety
Mineral oil with oxidation inhibitor
Mild steel tank, cover and ring
Continuous-bead welding on lifting lugs and mounting brackets for increased safety and corrosion resistance
Recessed tank bottom for scuff protection
Tough powder-paint finish for improved resistance to abrasion and corrosion
10 kV minimum cover and ring insulation
Corrosion-resistant cover-ring hardware
KVA marking on tank
Internal oil-level mark
Laser-engraved aluminum nameplate
Stainless steel tank and/or cover and/or cover ring
Lightning arrester mounting provisions
Lightning arrester, externally-mounted or internally-mounted under oil
High-voltage tap switch with external operating handle:
• 5-2.5% taps above normal
• 5-2.5% taps below normal
• 2-2.5% taps above and below normal
• Taps at 13800/13200/12870/12540 for units rated 14400
Dual high-voltage switch with external operating handle
Interlaced low-voltage windings on 1-bushing units through 25 kVA
Amorphous Metal Core
Drain valve with oil sampling device
Temperature gauge
Liquid level gauge
Pressure/vacuum gauge
Wildlife protection
Overload warning signal light
Tank ground connector (Standard on 1-bushing transformers)
Low-voltage winding ground strap (Standard on 1-bushing transformers)
Ester-based dielectric fluid
Custom stenciling and labeling
Laser engraved stainless steel nameplate
Rural Utilities Service (RUS) design standards
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) design standards
Other non-U.S. design standards