Network Transformers

Network Transformers

Howard Power Solutions' network transformers are designed and built according to the most exacting engineering standards to provide many years of outstanding performance and reliability in the most demanding utility network applications. Network transformers are typically used to supply power to grid-type secondary distribution systems in areas of high load density such as found in large cities and are designed for either vault-type or subway-type applications. Vault-type network transformers are designed for installation in above-ground dry vaults, where occasional submersion may occur. Subway-type network transformers are designed for installation in subsurface vaults, where frequent or continuous submerged operation is likely. Subway designs may also be used in vault-type applications. Product scope includes capacities from 300 kVA through 2,500 kVA with high-voltage ratings from 2.4 kV through 34.5 kV and low-voltage ratings through 600 Volts.

Howard Industries manufactures a complete line of transformers, all designed with increased margins of safety and reliability. Contact your distributor or factory representative for availability of other kVA sizes, voltage ratings, features, accessories and design standards not listed.

Talk to us about filling a custom order that best fits your needs.


Air Test Provision (Tank & Switch Chamber)
Weld-on Magnetic Liquid Level Gauge (Tank & Switch Chamber)
Dial Type thermometer (Tank)
Bolted Hand Hole
Network Throat per IEEE/ANSI C57.12.40 with Enclosed Shipping Guard
Welded Spade Secondary Neutral
200 Amp Deadfront Bushings (Top of Switch Chamber)
3 Position Network Disconnect and Grounding Swith (Deadbreak)
Single Switch Chamber Design with Bolted and Gasketed Cover
Cu-Bearing Steel Construction
Paint - Catalyzed Epoxy Primer plus Catalyzed Urethaned Enamel Top Coat (3.0 mils Nominal Dry Thickness)
Bolted or Welded Secondary Bushings
Power: 45 kVA Through 10MVA Self-Cooled Base Rating
High-Voltage Rating: Up to 46kV
High-Voltage BIL: Up to 250 kV BIL
Low-Voltage Rating: Up to 15kV
Low-Voltage BIL: Up to 95kV BIL
Temperature Rise at Rated Load: 55°C/65°C Rise (30°C 24 Hr. Average Ambient - 40°C Maximum Ambient)
Frequency: 60 Hz
Weld-on Magnetic Liquid Level Gauge with Contacts (Tank & Switch Chamber)
Dial Type thermometer with Contacts (Tank)
Welded Hand Hole and/or Switch Chamber Cover/s
Fully Insulated Secondary Neutral Bushing with Grounding Strap
200 Amp Deadfront Bushings (Switch Chamber Cover)
600 Amp Deadfront Bushing (Top of Switch Chamber or Switch Chamber Cover)
Wiping Sleeve/s with Separte Termination Chamber (Top of Switch Chamber)
3 Position Network Disconnect and Grounding Switch (Mag-Break)
5 Position Network Disconnect and Sequintial Grounding Swith (Deadbreak or Mag-Break)
304L or 316L Stainless Steel Construction
Switch Chamber Viewing Window/s
Switch Chamber Phasing Tubes
Please contact the factory for availabiltiy of desired optional features not shown.